"Bada gärna, men inte så ofta" is a project created during the course "integrated media production", where the goal was to create a primarily visual mediated solution that educates, informs and inspires people about one of UNs Sustainable Development Goals. The assignment was done in a project group consisting of me and three other students. 
The chosen goals for this project was goal 14: Life under water, and goal 12: Responsible consumption and production. We decided to create a short animated video highlighting the importance of using sea life-friendly products when bathing in lakes and seas. 
First Moodboard mapping out the theme and visual ideas of the project.
As a first step of the animation process, an animated storybard was created to get a feel of how the scenes would look. The storyboard was made by me in Procreate, and was a quick first look at how we wanted the scenes to transpire. 

Final video

The assignment was done in Adobe After Effects, and the visual goal was to achieve a stop motion-feel to the project. 
The process consisted of searching for suitable components, adit these in Adobe Photoshop and import them to After Effects to be animated. The human eyes were included to add a bit of absurdity and surprise to the video. 
During the animation process, we got to experiment with different effects and explore the program. The hardest thing was to achieve the stop motion effect with a digital medium without it looking badly executed. In the end the result was satisfactory and the process was really fun. 

To complement the video and increase public engagement with the brand, three posters were created to be put up in public spaces. The posters consists of cut-out themed illustrations of a fish in different "human-like" shower and bathing scenarios.

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